TC MUD16 2021 Tax Rate

At the September 9th Board meeting, the TC MUD16 Directors set the District’s 2021 property tax rate. For 2021, the tax rate was reduced from $0.93 to $0.8725 on each $100 of taxable property within the District, consisting of $0.675 to pay debt service and $0.1975 to fund maintenance and operation expenses.

The tax levy raises approximately $2.1 million in the 2021-2022 financial year. For the same financial year, the annual debt service on outstanding bonds issued to finance District facilities is approximately $1.2 million per year and maintenance and operation expenses (including planned equipment replacement costs) are approximately $900,000 per year.

News from Rocky Creek MUD

July 14, 2021

The MUD 16 directors, as governmental officials, are charged with the responsibility to protect and maintain MUD 16 property and facilities. Part of our responsibilities includes enforcement of MUD 16 rules and regulations of Travis County, the State of Texas, Texas Environmental Quality Commission, certain Federal agencies and departments, applicable to MUD 16 and its facilities. The MUD 16 rules exist for specific purposes.

Most recently the MUD Board was informed of a community event on MUD property on July 4th. This event is largely what is prompting this friendly reminder that our entire community is exposed to consequences when the proper approvals are not in place.

In the past few years, MUD 16 has provided notices to residents regarding the boundaries of our community and use of MUD 16 property. Unauthorized use of any property, including land, that belongs to MUD 16, is considered a violation of MUD 16’s Amended Rate Order and/or its Erosion Control Rules and is subject to fines from $500 up to $10,000. Pursuant to these documents, the Board of Directors of MUD 16 also may require residents to repair or pay for any damage caused by such resident’s unauthorized use of MUD 16 property. Please note that if members of the MUD 16 community want to hold events on MUD 16 property, a request must be made through the proper request channels. The new website will have a request form coming. In the future, fines may be imposed by the MUD 16 Board for violating the unauthorized use of MUD property when residents do not use the proper request channels.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the members of MUD 16 Board of Directors or consult the new website for additional information.

Board of Directors,
Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 16

Mandatory Watering Restrictions

The summer season is upon us and we are seeing water demand increase substantially. Effective May 1, 2021, MANDATORY two days a week watering restrictions went into effect. These restrictions help our operations staff ensure that we keep up with the high demand of the summer months. Watering will only be permitted from 12:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to midnight according to the following schedule:

Residential Customers

  • Monday and Thursday: Addresses ending in 0, 1, 2, 3
  • Tuesday and Friday: Addresses ending in 4, 5, 6
  • Wednesday and Saturday: Addresses ending in 7, 8, 9
  • No outdoor watering allowed on Sundays.

Commercial Customers (Including HOA Common Areas)

  • Tuesday and Friday

PUA staff will be regularly monitoring water usage for compliance with the above policy. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in managing our water resources.

High summer water bills are generally associated with irrigation use. Some tips are offered below to assist in managing water use during the warm weather season:

  • Have your irrigation system checked by a professional including valves, sprinkler heads, and controller programming to ensure the system is watering in accordance with your desired time frames and PUA restrictions. Also, it is recommended that controller programming be reviewed after power outages since these systems may reset to factory default schedules.
  • Make sure that toilets are not running or that any other leaks are not present. Leaks are evident on the premises if all water is shut off and the meter continues to spin.
  • Make sure no unauthorized water use is occurring on your property.
  • Manually read your meter daily and revise water usage as appropriate.